Concrete : Features and interesting facts

The beginnings of such material as concrete mortar, as we know it today, were still around 6000 BC. According to various sources and conclusions of scientists, concrete appeared on the banks of the Danube, in the area of ​​the territory of modern Serbia. It is there that concrete takes its original development path.

Interesting facts about concrete

Many people underestimate this building material, however, one cannot say that it does not belong to our common history. Thanks to this particular material, as well as the long path of its formation and development, today we can use the composition in the construction industry, thanks to which we can significantly save not only money but also time.

What is concrete?

This is a type of building material that is obtained in the process of hardening a concrete mixture. The composition of this material includes elements such as water, sand, crushed stone, cement. One of the most important indicators of concrete quality is its flexural and compressive strength. It is by these indicators that you can determine whether concrete is of high quality or not.

Also Read: Cement vs Concrete

Contemporary concrete

If you plunge into history, then after the Western Roman Empire fell, all the recipes for this building mixture were lost. Speaking about more modern types of concrete, one cannot fail to mention the recipe, which was discovered in 1844. It is he who is the progenitor of our modern material.

Thanks to the active development of technologies in the field of construction, today this composition is used very widely. For example, not only houses and industrial complexes are erected from it, but also roads, bridges, decorative elements for country houses, and much more. All this allows us to significantly save time for the construction of an object, as well as money that may be needed for this.

If you are thinking of what to build a house from - from a bar or from concrete, then it is worth considering the purpose and option of using this building. Construction technology, time, money, method - all this will be different for wood and concreteHowever, do not ignore the fact that the concrete structure will last much longer..

Interesting facts about concrete

   Fact number 1

     Ancient concrete was different in composition from modern concrete. The main difference was that there was no cement in it. The role of the binder was replaced by clay, gypsum, or lime.

    Fact number 2

     The earliest find made of concrete is a hut found on the banks of the Danube, built from a mixture of sand, gravel, water, and cement. It was supposedly built in 5600 BC.

     Fact number 3

     In the III-II centuries BC. the ancient Romans knew how to make hydro-concrete that solidifies in water. It was made from lime and volcanic ash. A more outstanding and simple invention before Christ's time, perhaps, was not known.

     Fact number 4

     Despite the fact that concrete began to be used in ancient Egypt, housing from it was not built for a very long time. The first to try out a concrete dwelling was none other than the great inventor Thomas Edison. Only after this began the widespread use of this technology in the construction real estate market.

     Fact number 5

     It is a well-known fact that the roads made America. But few people know that the famous American highways are mostly covered with concrete! Their total length is about 90,000 km.     

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     Fact number 6

     Concrete roads last more than 2 times longer than asphalt roads! 20-30 years versus 8-12 years of paved roads.

     Fact number 7

     It may sound incredible, but some types of concrete float well in water. They are mainly used to create floating docks on the water.

    Fact number 8

     Concrete is the most demanded building material on Earth. About 6 billion cubic meters of concrete are produced annually, which means that for every inhabitant of the planet there is 1 cubic meter of concrete per year.

     Fact number 9

     Due to its color, concrete reflects 50% more sunlight than asphalt. It is surprising, but in cities built up with concrete houses, the air temperature is up to 70% lower than in areas with asphalt pavement.

     Fact number 10

     A concrete capable of transmitting light was invented! While maintaining all their qualities, houses made of such material look lighter and seem to float in the air. This concrete is expected to enter the market soon.

Concrete piles

Advantages of Concrete:

  1. Concrete ingredients are readily available in most locations. Indeed, cement, sand, crushed stone, water, and plasticizers are the main materials for the preparation of a concrete mixture, which solidifies, turns into solid stone. These are simple and well-known materials that are available in any region.
  2. The cost of concrete maintenance is practically negligible.
  3.  The strength of the concrete is very high. The strength of concrete is the most important characteristic that determines the properties and performance of concrete structures and elements of building structures. The grade of concrete indicates its compressive strength and is expressed in kg / cm2 (kilogram-force per cm2). It is designated by the letter M, and the number after the letter indicates the average, approximate value of strength. In construction, concretes of the following brands are most often used: M100, M150, M200, M250, M300, M350, M400, M450, M500.
  4. High level of frost resistance.
  5.  Concrete makes a building fire safe due to its non-combustible nature. It is one of the fire-resistant materials. Due to the relatively low thermal conductivity of concrete, short-term exposure to high temperatures does not have time to cause significant heating of the concrete. Aerated concrete can be used for thermal insulation at a temperature of the insulated surface up to +400 C.
  6. The deterioration of concrete is not noticeable with age.
  7. Possibility of manufacturing large-sized industrial productsMany materials, due to the peculiarities of their physical structure and properties, do not allow the manufacture of building products of a large size.
  8. Concrete can be used to manufacture load-bearing, enclosing, and heat-insulating products and structures.

Read: What is Cement Mortar?

Disadvantages of Concrete:

Like any material, concrete has several disadvantages.

  • Concrete is less flexible than other materials.
  • Concrete may contain soluble salts. Soluble salts cause discoloration.

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